Services for People
I bring the Angels in for this one!
According to the Angels, I am here to clear “negativity” from people to help prepare them for the Ascension.
These Angelic healings
Clear fear, worry, apprehension and more.
Clear and release past wounds and trauma.
Clear and balance your chakras.
Leave you feeling Light and uplifted.
Raise your Vibrational Frequency.
Click here to book or inquire about a session
Clearing of Programming
It is time! Clear what you no longer need. You are ascending. Programming and karma that you have carried with you is no longer needed. It is time to let it go!
I am so excited to introduce this service, I am able to clear programming from you. This programming can be anything, but a few examples are:
Imbalance of masculine energy
Feeling not good enough
People pleasing/feeling like you can’t say no
Attracting the "wrong" partner
What has been plaguing you that you are ready to let go of? Contact me and see if it’s something that can be cleared.
​Client review after I cleared no longer needed programming:
​Remote Healing
Remote healings for physical ailments. There is no need to be in pain!
Text From client after a remote healing on his back
A powerful yet gentle Trauma Release method
Allows you to let go of fears, worry, stress, and anxiety
Clear thousands of painful experiences in a single session.
It is painless, effective, and lasting.
Results are typically immediate and positive.
Clients report feeling lighter, clearer, and more peaceful instantly.
Read more here
Click here​ to book or inquire about a session
Not sure what to choose? Set up a free call with me today to determine what service will best fit your needs.