Program Clearing
Programming refers to the conditioning we carry from past lives, acquire at birth, or develop during childhood
I have a unique ability to clear programming. Programming typically shows up as limiting beliefs, such as I'm not good enough, life is a struggle, I am not wanted, I am unloveable, life isn't fair and the list goes on. Your programming is unique to you and no matter what your programming is that's holding you back it can be cleared.
The cool thing with program clearing is that stuff can be cleared with out the pain that is associated with some other healing modalities. And we are seeing that for the most part it’s instant.
When i was doing program clearing for someone it came in that i can also do what i call rewrite memories- I’m not going into your brain and removing memories but i rewrite it in a sense .
So if youre programming is im not loveable and it’s because you didn’t get unconditional love from mom I will do a rewrite where mom is loving you unconditionally and all that love will come through and it will feel really good. And mom might apologize for not being there in a way that you needed her to be. The Angels always have the final say on any rewrite and I follow their guidance
I also do general rewrites- if you’re programming is i can only make money if i work really hard ill do a rewrite of money flowing to you easily and effortlessly
So that might be the intention that i go in with but the angels might change it when we are up into the light. Programming Clearing is $120